Trumpers Are Conveniently Never at Fault. I’m Sick of It.

From ‘Antifa’ to the ‘communist media’, Trump supporters always have an excuse to avoid accountability.

Hunter Freeman
4 min readJan 7, 2021
Photo by Jing Xi Lau on Unsplash

I’m so tired of the excuses. Most of my social sphere has connections in small town America, so the constant barrage of outlandish explanations and outright dismissals of yesterday’s events are sickening, sad, and pathetic.

Seriously, has the cult gone so far that those actively sharing conspiracy theories have no sense of personal accountability? Can those same people really not see the hypocrisy: calling for law enforcement to clear out protesters this summer while also supporting a violent mob, incited by Trump’s rally on national television, raiding one of our most important government buildings? Are they really not dismayed at simply the sight — being American citizens — of watching chaos storm through the halls of American democracy?

After law enforcement finally resumed control of the building, and the seditious traitors were allowed to go home (great work today guys, really showed those libs), the excuses started coming, immediately.



Hunter Freeman

Hunter has been described as “a writer’s writer.” He looks for balance in all things.